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Two Projects have I

It looks like I will continue to work on two projects in April as well as March.

Book 1 – Justicar Jhee and the Cursed Abbey

I finished the last mega-sequence and started in on the last two mega-scenes. This is definitely going to continue into April and Camp NaNoWriMo. Hopefully, for only a day or two.

Random excerpt:

Jhee shielded her eyes to gauge the position of the dual suns. She might have time to check out the lee of the isle. She found the aforementioned goats and let them lead the way.

Book 2 – Justicar Jhee and the Big Thingy

Overhauled the setting again because I was having trouble making a coherent whole out of the disconnected set pieces. I might be almost there. I’m also continuing to hammer the story structure into shape. In contrast to the first one, I want to put the family dynamic on display more. But it’s not there yet either. Seems like it will never get there sometimes, but I just need to keep pushing forward.

The excerpt is actually a deleted bit. As a result of the setting change, I had to redo our main characters’ arrival a few times.


“Nonsense. No imposition at all. How about you simply stay for a week or two? That way you can meet my daughters as well. They are about your consorts’ age and I’m sure they’d hit it off fabulously. We have a lovely summer house on the beach. Not far from where you are.”
“Perhaps.” Jhee looked at Kanto and Mirre’s excited faces. “I suppose.”
“Very well then. It’s settled. Give me your location and I’ll have porters come by and bring you and your lovely cohort to my home.”
“Thank you for your invitation, Lady Delphine.”
“No trouble at all. No trouble at all.”

Book 3 – “The Missing MacGuffin”

Nothing to report here.

Have a lovely day!