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Trevol Swift wants to live in a world where there are glowing costumes, fantasy stories, and blerds galore.

When she’s not writing, you can find her playing video games, watching large amounts of TV, and costuming her little, glowy heart out at Sci Fi and Fantasy conventions.

After being laid off from her job in game testing and localization in 2016, she embarked on a journey to see how long it would take her to write and launch a murder mystery novel set in a fantasy world. She has been writing since high school with several false starts along the way. Finally, the layoff gave her the kick in the pants needed to fulfill her dream of becoming a published fantasy author. In November of 2016, she wrote the first draft of Justicar Jhee and The Cursed Abbey. (Title subject to change.) Originally intended as a standalone novel. However, as the draft progressed, new ideas arose and she discovered more aspects of the story world to explore. Far too many for one book. Thus, the increasingly misnamed standalone became a trilogy. Expect the first volume to hit the eBook shelves some time in 2019.


Check out the blog page for weekly updates. Follow her on Twitter (@Swiftnesse) for interim updates and live tweets of her favorite shows.

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