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Just Coolin’

The snows melted quickly. I finally got to see A Wrinkle In Time. (Charles Wallace is obnoxious in every medium.)

The week overall though was bittersweet. This week will mark the one year anniversary of my grandmother’s passing, a former teacher and prolific unpublished poet. Her death last year was another motivating factor in my getting much more serious about my writing.

Book 1 – Justicar Jhee and the Cursed Abbey

As I near the endgame story wise, I continue to forge a path through the last mega-sequence. With the dwindling number of orphaned or delayed snippets gathered and sorted into their proper place, surprisingly complex scenes cropped up. These scenes bordered on mega-scene territory. Old and new versions of scenes need consolidation. The next pass will require deconstructing scenes line by line.

A few questions which had been punted now need answers. The location of certain characters have become crucial. Then there are whether they had enough time to perform certain actions. When and where they might have gotten to certain places. What did the character know and when did they know it?
Random excerpt:

She listened to recordings of the Prospectives telling the stories of how they had arrived at the abbey. Small overloaded crafts capsizing. The sounds of the screams and then the eerie silence.

Book 2 – Justicar Jhee and the Gray Galleon

Mostly freewriting about the plot and story, as I try to figure out what about them are rubbing me the wrong way.
Random excerpt:

Jhee stepped up to the buffet and picked a few fruits for herself. She also decided to sample the buffet’s new herbal orange tea. She had developed a taste for the stuff. A splash of Tranquility Bridge’s nectar would go along with it quite nicely. Her stash was getting low.

Book 3 – “The Missing MacGuffin”

Just coolin’.

Have a lovely day!