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My Ever Changing Mood

This week’s update is going to be all over the place. Because not only am I not feeling well, I have a lot of publishing prep work to do. Yes, including the cover reveal which will be its own post.

First, my final tally for July Camp NaNoWriMo was 158 hours of editing. Because I was using minutes I didn’t realize how close I was to 160 hours. Otherwise, I would have pushed a little harder to get in those last two hours. I also began a read through of the prequel novella which lead to the scene listing.

Book 1 – Justicar Jhee and the Cursed Abbey

All sorts of things are going on with this. First, I have the cover. Since I plan to do a paperback release as well, I’ve been going over options to get the interior formatting done. In addition to an updated author bio, I’m working on the book description/back cover copy.

Use the form on the contact page to mail me and put “ARC Copies” somewhere in the subject.


“Justicar Jhee and the Cursed Abbey” is the story of Jhee, investigative judge and new head of a polygamous household, from the Far Reaches of the empire of the Blessed Isles. Justicar Jhee must unravel the secrets which led to four deaths at a remote abbey before the same fate befalls her family.

Book 2 – Justicar Jhee and the Hole in the World

Triaging away. About a third of the scenes remain on the serious/critical list or in testing lingo ‘blockers.’ At Zero blockers, I ship it off for a developmental edit.

Book 3 – “The House of Knives/Sorrow”

I completed the retyping and have gutted the snippets list. Next, I will start another read through where I will assess the damage. After I triage the scenes and assign them conditions, I’ll have a better idea how long the next draft might take.

Have a lovely day!