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Everyday I (Re)Write The Book

I hit my July Camp NaNoWriMo goal and may do a cover reveal soon.

First, I hit my July Camp NaNoWriMo goal of 124 hours editing on the 23rd. I’m still going to be doing four or more hours a day at least until the end of the month. Also, I finished my current task on Parahuman and set it aside to focus on the trilogy. I’ll probably work on it more after CampNaNo.

Book 1 – Justicar Jhee and the Cursed Abbey

I’m looking for people to read Advanced Review Copies of Book 1 for a final round of pre-release feedback. Use the form on the contact page to mail me and put “ARC Copies” somewhere in the subject.

I just heard back from the cover designer and got a sneak peek of the cover. I think it’s more or less final except I also requested a last minute change to the front cover copy. We’ll see what happens. But I think I’ll be able to do a cover reveal in a day or two.


“Justicar Jhee and the Cursed Abbey” is the story of Jhee, investigative judge and new head of a polygamous household, from the Far Reaches of the empire of the Blessed Isles. Justicar Jhee must unravel the secrets which led to four deaths at a remote abbey before the same fate befalls her family.

Book 2 – Justicar Jhee and the Hole in the World

Still whittling away. I’ve now moved over to triaging scene even though less than half are in ‘Fair’ condition. I’m not worried because several are only a few minor changes away. They are likely going to come off in batches much as they did before. It goes double this time through because untangling one plot thread is blocking a group of scenes.

Book 3 – “The House of Knives/Sorrow”

Zipping along on the retyping (aka dragging and dropping the major plot into approximately the right place). I switched over to cut and paste, because actual retyping was taking too long. I’m on track to be done with the process by the end of July Camp NaNoWriMo. The next step will be integrating the snippets. I integrated some as I went along, but a good portion remain.

Have a lovely day!