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Stuck In The Middle With Two

The wait continues. Thumb twiddle. This is the first time I’ve brought a novel to the professional edit stage. While I finished an early version of Parahuman many years ago, it never came before an editor. Which was a good thing because it was bad. High school writing bad.

Book 1 – Justicar Jhee and the Cursed Abbey

My edit isn’t scheduled until the 10th. Until then, I’m just sitting tight with this one. Hands off on this until after the developmental edit. Because it’s in more realistic state of doneness, I’m working on the cover and/or finding a cover designer.

Random excerpt:

On a sunny day, the waters may well have been crystal clear. Now, though, they had a grayish sheen which made them murky. Jhee barely made out the outline of her body. Wisps of steam rose from the pool’s surface. Mixed with the fog they caused a wavering haze which obscured the other pools.

Book 2 – Justicar Jhee and the Hole in the World

This is where most of the action is happening. I’m working with my first reader to also get this into edit ready shape. If I’m not done by July Camp NaNoWriMo, I plan to work on this. Finalizing the story elements is slow going.

Hopefully, whipping Book 2 into shape will take less time than Book 1. For one, it’s 20K words shorter. For another, it did not have as many snippets to integrate and ninety-nine percent were included with the last pass. What remains is fleshing out.

What Else?

As already mentioned, if Book 2 becomes editor ready before Camp NaNo, I’ll switch projects. Either I’ll work on the prequel novella or Book 3. I’m ditching the Book 3 section until I start working on it again. Meanwhile, I’m still slowly putting Parahuman through the novel revision course.

Have a lovely day!