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Waiting Is The Hardest Part

My writing laptop had been running critically low on space, so I upgraded the hard drive some weeks back. Because the CPU fan for my desktop burnt out sometime ago, I bought a replacement. I suspect overheating as to why it was so unstable. Its tendency to blue screen drove my switch to the laptop. However, the laptop’s not powerful enough for some of the work I’ve been doing. Its also having its own heat issues.

Book 1 – Justicar Jhee and the Cursed Abbey

I’ve scheduled a content edit sometimes also known as a developmental edit. My slot is in two weeks. I did a read through to catch some lingering issues. I also wrote a cover letter and synopsis. All that’s left to do now is wait.

Book 2 – Justicar Jhee and the Hole in the World

Still plugging away. I split the one large document into scenes because using it slowed the Scrivener Beta down tremendously. Although, I’ve been editing this since April, it still doesn’t feel like I’m making much headway. Therefore, I’m giving it to my first reader again.

The plan is also to do July Camp NaNoWriMo. Likely I will be working on the final draft push for Book 2.

Book 3 – “The House of Knives/Sorrow”

Nothing to report.

What else?

Parahuman – I picked this one up again to see if I can get through before my editing deal expires.

Prequel novella – I will be starting a read through on this sometime this week.

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Have a lovely day!