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Ain’t Wasting Time No More

So, I’ve decided my official projects for July Camp NaNoWriMo are going to be Justicar Jhee Book 3 and the prequel novella.

Book 1 – Justicar Jhee and the Cursed Abbey

The developmental edit results are in and it’s all relatively minor fixes. Also, the comma is the bane of my writing existence. I’ve started from scratch looking for a cover design because I’ve decided to hire a professional.


“Justicar Jhee and the Cursed Abbey” is the story of Jhee, investigative judge and new head of a polygamous household, from the Far Reaches of the empire of the Blessed Isles. Justicar Jhee must unravel the secrets which led to four deaths at a remote abbey before the same fate befalls her family.

Book 2 – Justicar Jhee and the Hole in the World

With the edits in and mostly cleanup to be done on Book 1, I’m, also, pushing harder to get Book 2 editor ready. I’ll likely work on this during July too.


Liveried barbarian porters bustled by them and picked up their trunks and suitcases. Mirrei held Kanto’s arm as they ascended the wide stairs of the front of the island resort. Mirrei had a figure slenderer and daintier than her mother at that age. Her gossamer champagne traveling robe hid her delicate steps. She appeared to glide up to meet them. The pale complexion to her fuzzy skin along with her light robe gave her ascent an ethereal quality. It reminded Jhee of the stories of the Maid of the Mists. Right near the top, Mirrei’s steps faltered. She coughed and turned a bit red. Kanto held her steady.

What Else?

As previously mentioned, I’ll be working more on Justicar Jhee Book 3 again soon. I’m going to push to see if I can publish the trilogy and release the novella by the end of the year. It’s also steady as she goes on the urban fantasy.

Have a lovely day!