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Last Plane Out

Last week being Thanksgiving, I went out of town and didn’t have time to write a blog post. That wasn’t the half of it. The day before I left, I found a close friend collapsed. I called an ambulance and sat with him a few hours in the hospital. He made a quick recovery, but they kept him a few days for observation. He insisted I leave to visit my family. They hadn’t seen me since I had to be hospitalized myself.

Traveling proved a grueling adventure itself. On my way to visit my family, I boarded one of my flights only to have it “break” during pre-flight check. Better on the ground than in the air, I suppose. As for the trip back…. Because of the storms in the Midwest, I had delay after delay. I found myself crisscrossing an airport while carrying my bags. If I had tried that a few months ago, I might have passed out. It won’t fun, but it’s no longer life-threatening. A sure sign I’m on the mend. It’s been an eventful two weeks.

On a more positive note, I somehow managed to write during all the craziness. Even with all the corrections needed, transcription has been a godsend. Once I finished the mystery prequel novella, I started a horror one. Horror is a genre I’ve only dipped a pinky toe in before. The results were meh. I hit the NaNoWriMo 50K yesterday, though. My personal goal is to write something every day in November. I only have a little story left, so I plan to take it easier these last few days.

Book 1 – Justicar Jhee and the Cursed Abbey

Zero progress here.

Book 2 – Justicar Jhee and the Hole in the World

No progress here either.

Book 3 – “The House of Knives/Sorrow”

Three guesses about the progress here. The first two guesses, don’t count.

Have a lovely day!