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I completed NaNoWriMo with a final word count of 51,000 words. By design, it was probably the lowest word count I’ve ever done for NaNoWriMo. My goal was only to create a reader magnet of about 24,000 words. I used the remainder to write a horror novella. While I was not terribly happy with the horror novella’s story, it did help me clarify how certain abilities in my world worked.

I took a few days off and just began to work on revisions again yesterday. The past few days were spent catching up on reading in order to complete my Good Reads 2018 challenge goal. Also, a good portion of the books I read were market research. Because I wanted to fill in gaps in my genre knowledge, I focused on mysteries, suspense thrillers, and horror.

Book 1 – Justicar Jhee and the Cursed Abbey

I’ve started another pass on this one. While I do so, I’m experimenting with using dictation and transcription in editing. I keep stumbling when trying to write a clean-ish draft. I don’t know. Maybe talking through the parts that are still rough will unblock me.

I haven’t quite figured out where my resistance stems from. Some, I know, is fitting scene and dialogue fragments together. There also a few places where I can’t figure out how the story gets from point A to point B. Transitions are proving a bane to my progress. These, however, aren’t the kind you can skip. This is the connective tissue which bridges one thought to the next. Without these, it reads choppy and disjointed.

Book 2 – Justicar Jhee and the Hole in the World

This is next up after I finished another pass on Book 1.

Book 3 – “The House of Knives/Sorrow”

On hold, because I want to try to start finishing novels.

Have a lovely day!