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Beast of Burden

Projects progressing glacially slow? Ice skate uphill in a blizzard.

As if overhauling four stories while trying to balance them with medical appointments wasn’t enough. Some masochistic part of me decided because I’m a little lost right now, what I needed to do was pile more on my sled. So I decided at about 11:30 pm last night to start a NaNoWriMo project.

About what? Let get back to you on that. I’m playing with a few ideas. In the lead right now, writing a couple novellas as reader magnets. The plan is to do one for each series.

I blame gamification. I didn’t want to break my NaNoWriMo participation streak.

Book 1 – Justicar Jhee and the Cursed Abbey

No progress here.

Book 2 – Justicar Jhee and the Hole in the World

My alpha reader finished. While the written feedback this time around was much better, I had to change up how I solicited the feedback. (Most of the previous feedback was a monosyllabic word every couple of pages.) We switched over to using Dropbox, so I had a better idea of when they made changes. Also, I had to take a voice recorder and re-ask my reader the written questions I gave them. Not surprisingly, they had answers and commentary when I asked them in person, but they never make it into their notes.

Once I was able to drag the feedback out of them, it was helpful. Luckily for me this is someone I see on a daily basis, so I can follow up with them often enough to make this work. But I don’t have the bandwidth to hover to get them to read or provide feedback. I definitely need to come up with another arrangement.

Book 3 – “The House of Knives/Sorrow”

No progress here either.

Have a lovely day!