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Down With The Sickness

Even if I had planned to do a blog last week, life had other plans. What I had taken as simply being winded due to lack of exercise, turned out to be a more serious health problem. I needed to see a doctor and it ballooned from there. I’m also currently resting up from my ordeal in between appointments. Needless to say my writing groove has been throw off. On the plus side, I think I straightened out one glitch with my health insurance.

Because I did not have access to my writing materials for nearly two weeks, I don’t have much progress to report. The sheer size of Urban Fantasy Book One has made me go with a more systematic editing approach. I signed up for an intensive novel revision course some months back and have started to put it into practice. For the moment, that means filling out worksheets. A page here. A question there. I’m slowly ramping this process up, but my focus is understandably off.

The worksheets have questions which make you take a hard look at your story and what you want out of it. These questions are what took me to a weird place a few weeks back. I do wonder if the Urban Fantasy series is cursed. No sooner do I get back into working on it then everything goes off the rails.

Book 1 – Justicar Jhee and the Cursed Abbey

Nothing here.

Book 2 – Justicar Jhee and the Hole in the World

Nothing here either.

Book 3 – “The Missing MacGuffin”

Mostly nothing here. Characters’ histories have steeped this story’s events, so my increased understanding of their pasts has led to clarifications of motives and behavior. It also contains a dash of political intrigue. I’ve come up with so much back story, I may use it as the foundation for a prequel trilogy. First things first, though. Finish this trilogy.

Have a lovely day!