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It’s a Monster

Because I’ll be attending a con next week, I might not update the blog for the next two weeks. Perhaps, I’ll pre-write something. Or maybe I’ll do a con report. The con is a four day event spanning the weekend. So by this time next week, I’ll be prepping and attending. The week after I’ll be recovering and probably won’t have any story progress to report anyway.

Urban Fantasy Book 1

I have a better handle on the notes and snippets tally for Urban Fantasy Book 1. The notes, in comment form, clock in at 14K. I don’t suspect many are masquerading as story text, though. In truth, some of what’s written may be summary text which needs to be fleshed out.

However, the “snippet” file is monstrous. It weighs in at about 98K. To be fair, this may more accurately be called a story bible. While it does contain scene and dialogue extracts, it also contains my every stray thought and random musing about the story. I know it contains a few attempts to summarize or blurb the story. I’m sure I won’t be using all or even most of the text it holds. At least not directly.

Given the long time span over which I accumulated the snippet file contents, much of it may be irrelevant. Key aspects of the story changed. Some text may also be redundant. The same bits and pieces occur to me independently over time. Often I forget I had the idea already and write it down again. Or I test out different phrasings for the same line when I write it down the first time. Next, I may have already incorporated some text into the main manuscript, but forgot to note it. As mentioned in the last blog, my process evolved. Notes frequently lay scattered across documents and I didn’t have a consistent way to mark them as integrated.

Book 1 – Justicar Jhee and the Cursed Abbey

Even as bit players get final names, I contemplate changing the name of a major character. I had never been exactly happy with it. So, it’s now or never.

Book 2 – Justicar Jhee and the Hole in the World

Back burner, back burner, there on the sand from July to the end of September.

Book 3 – “The Missing MacGuffin”

When the main characters got “final” names, it introduced name confusion with a supporting character here. I did not realize it until the read through. I’m also fluctuating on the supporting character’s gender. If ever there was a time to change either, it’s now.

Have a lovely day!