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Sick Again

Justicar Jhee Book 2 Release Date!

Another late post, I’m sorry. I’ve spent the past few days sick and working hard on the Book 2 launch among other things. Also, I decided to work on the urban fantasy series NaNoWriMo this year.

Book 2 – Justicar Jhee and the Hole in the World

On a more positive note, I’ve got my edit letter back for Justicar Jhee and the Hole in the World. Book 2 is still on track to launch November 30th. If you want to sign up to be a beta reader for the next Justicar Jhee book or get an advanced review copy of Book 2: Justicar Jhee and the Hole in the World, join the Swiftnesse fan community. See the banner at the top of the page. As an extra bonus, you’ll receive an exclusive book: Justicar Jhee and the Spectral Armada.

Galleon City is the central point in the Empire; the place where the Storm Shield protects the Blessed Isles from the wrath that surrounds them. But it is also a city that is being ripped apart by restless factions and swamped with refugees, the destitute, and the unwanted.

Justicar Jhee and her spouses arrive in the city in the midst of this chaos, but it isn’t long before intrigue strikes once more. When a murder rears it’s ugly head, Jhee and a local detective are called upon to investigate.

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Join the Swiftnesse community to read the first two chapters of Book 2.

Book 1 – Justicar Jhee and the Cursed Abbey


Join the Swiftnesse community to read the first two chapters of Book 1.

On their way to the Imperial capital, Justicar Jhee and her spouses must halt for repairs at a secluded abbey. Trapped by circumstances and with no way for help to arrive, can she uncover the truth before she or her spouses become the next victims of the sinister forces that lurk just out of sight?

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Swift travels my friends and have a lovely day!