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Remember My Name

It’s been another slow week of work on my urban fantasy Parahuman.

Book 1 – Justicar Jhee and the Cursed Abbey

The alpha read is finished and I’m still trying to figure out what to do with the feedback such as it is. Most of the feedback was verbal and took much prompting, as I expected. Because, aside from what I mentioned last week, the written feedback was light and vague. The in-person questions were then taken as license not to also note thoughts in the manuscript. Although, the portions they read before I started checking in had practically no feedback either.

I finalized the name of the last major character. I also made some effort to clean up the paranormal elements such as magic and elemental forces. However, I still need to make consistent the names of some minor characters and a few important items to the story. Two groups key to the story became conflated in my mind, so I have to go back and differentiate them better.

Book 2 – Justicar Jhee and the Hole in the World

I started prepping Book 2 for an alpha read. I carried over the name change, in addition to cleaning up some terminology. Somewhere in here, I started using the same name for two different sets of abilities. I think my initial plan was to have it be an umbrella term. Instead, it made actions confusing.

In an effort to better keep track of my daily word goals during Camp NaNoWriMo, I wrote the second draft in one large document. It made terminology clean up easier, but now I have to re-order scenes and snippets. Breaking the document up into scenes before I do so, but has proven rather tricky. Thanks to snippets, some “scenes” spread out over the document. Because of that, I may wind up joining as many scenes as I split. So, I’ll likely consolidate scenes before I break up the draft document.

Book 3 – “The House of Knives/Sorrow”

Not much movement here.

Have a lovely day!