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Everlasting First

Hallelujah! I finished the initial worksheet pass on my urban fantasy Parahuman today. I admit to phoning it in towards the end though. The final scenes have some major problems I found hard to identify. I may revisit them in a day or so. However, the later revision phases may cause me to come back to them again anyway.

Book 1 – Justicar Jhee and the Cursed Abbey

The draft for this is in rough shape, but I’ve decided to solicit feedback for it anyway. While it’s currently with one first reader, the person I chose is terse on a good day. They require a lot of prompting both to read and articulate their thoughts. Because I need the feedback quicker and with less prompting, I want to find more first readers.

I’ve also decided to make some refinements to the feedback I ask for. I usually give initially vague written ideas of what I’m seeking (including to ignore typos) followed up with verbal clarification. Thanks to filling out the worksheets, I’ve learned how helpful it is to have a specific (and printed) questions to consult while reading. Since this is a first read though, my focus is on their first impressions and feedback as they go.

Book 2 – Justicar Jhee and the Hole in the World

Don’t call me, I’ll call you. It may be awhile before this one sees any love.

Book 3 – “The House of Knives/Sorrow”

Have your people call my people. We’ll do lunch. Book 2 and Book 3 are on hold right now. I need to assess how much mental bandwidth I have. In addition, I have some smaller projects I need to work on in the meantime. I’m still on the fence about NaNoWriMo. I may combine those smaller projects into one larger entry for NaNo.

Have a lovely day!