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I get knocked down

I’ve been doing what I can in between doctor’s appointments. I worked on removing the placeholder content from the website. The header now contains a link to join the mailing list, so you don’t have go to the contact page anymore. I’m also experimenting with the book descriptions. Everything currently in the book section is subject to change. The covers are also placeholders and so are the links. None of them lead where they say.

Filling out the worksheets for Urban Fantasy Book 1 has gone glacially slow. I’ve always been terrible at self-evaluations. I think I need to put myself on the clock for this one. Break out the ambient videos or Pomodoro timers, first. If my progress is still disappointing, I’ll switch over to daily page goals.

Book 1 – Justicar Jhee and the Cursed Abbey

Again, nothing much to report here. I may spiff up a description or two when I resume work on it in addition to cleaning up the last of the plot holes.

Book 2 – Justicar Jhee and the Hole in the World

Similar to Book 1, not much going on here while I work on the other books.

Book 3 – “The Missing MacGuffin”

I reordered the scene listing. This is the usual precursor to the conceptual synopsis. Because I’ve forgotten most of what’s in there, I’ll need to read through the snippets file again. Then I’ll munge the two together to come up with the conceptual synopsis. Once the conceptual synopsis is done, I’ll move to the rewrite phase.

I’ve spotted a few redundancies and conflicts near the end that I need to sort out. Because the order in which a few things happened changed, it lead to me rewriting a few key scenes multiple times. I’ll have to resolve which ones I want to keep. Nothing too major hopefully.

Have a lovely day!