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…but I get up again

More doctors’ appointments. More prescriptions. And more revision worksheets. When I actually work on them, I can speed through the worksheets for the urban fantasy (working title Parahuman) quicker now. The operative phrase: when I work on them. I broke out the ambient noise videos. While I did not set myself a page goal yet, I have a minimum estimate of how many I need to go through to make it through the draft by November.

However, I’m in less of a rush to get Parahuman done immediately. After rechecking the details for the content edits, I won’t be able to schedule one of them for at least another six months. So given how much work I have to do on it, I decided to hold it for that edit.

A good thing too, because it might be a while before Parahuman officially hits coherent draft status. Filling out the worksheets is only phase one. The worksheets only note and categorize the problems, then diagnosis of what went wrong happens in the phase after that. Thinking up solutions and implementing them happens in even later phases.

Unless an editing miracle happens, I won’t participate in NaNoWriMo this year. Although, I do have an idea for a new book to work on, I need to get at least one of the previous novels shaped up enough to send to an editor. Must not fall prey to shiny new idea syndrome.

Book 1 – Justicar Jhee and the Cursed Abbey

Another pass on this one will start soon. With the edit priority on the urban fantasy pushed back, the priority on this Book bumped up.

Book 2 – Justicar Jhee and the Hole in the World

Similar to Book 1, the priority here pushed up, too. However, I want to see how the other edits go before I work on this again.

Book 3 – “The House of Knives/Sorrow”

I now have a more specific working title for Book 3. I have yet to do the conceptual synopsis because I’ve been focusing on my health and Parahuman. While I may not participate in NaNoWriMo officially, if I get the synopsis done by November, I’ll use the site to track my progress on the retype draft. If I’ve learned anything from Camp NaNoWriMo, it’s that a draft which contains even 10% new material can be almost as brutal to write as all new material.

Have a lovely day!