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Time Waits for No One

It’s been a rough week.

The toothache toned down on Friday then came back with a vengeance on Saturday. I spent the day trying to figure out what my dental insurance covers. My health insurance provider also doesn’t seem to know who I am. So I missed my daily goal again.

Couple that with another one year anniversary of a death in the family. Oddly enough a few weeks ago was the really rough one for this death. Because as it so happened, all the most prominent reminders of them sprang up in June. This one affects me different than my grandmother’s death. It’s makes me more determined to meet my life goals. I do regret that neither family member will get get to read something I wrote.

Book 1 – Justicar Jhee and the Cursed Abbey

Leave me be! I’m percolating.

Book 2 – Justicar Jhee and the Hole in the World

I stumbled into a megascene. Though, I should have guessed, by the fact pieces of it were scattered throughout the draft because I kept getting ideas for it as more parts gelled. In it, everyone’s locations are important. It takes place at a party. So who spoke with who when and about what is tricky to say the least. When did these two dance? When did they fight? I think I need an actual timeline and map to keep it straight.

I’m still playing musical chairs with the working title. But it still fits within the general theme of being based around a major set piece in the story.

Book 3 – “The Missing MacGuffin”

As Book 2 fleshes out, some of the plot holes here have been filled. Some of its due in part to fleshing out character relationships. Others are just the motive or solution to unanswered question sliding into place.

Have a lovely day!