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Listen, Learn, Read On (Part 2)

In June, once I hit fifty books read this year, I upped the Goodreads challenge to seventy-two. I’m contemplating changing it again to a nice, round one hundred. It depends on how Camp NaNoWriMo July goes. I’ve suspended book reading and software training to focus on edits. Insidiously they grew to encompass most of my time. Much more so than I intended.

I missed my daily goal on July 4th. Oddly, enough not so much due to the festivities, but from having to deal with a massive toothache along with the celebration. Even when not in outright agony, the background pain was distracting as hell. My greatest respect to those who deal with chronic pain issues.

Book 1 – Justicar Jhee and the Cursed Abbey

I slacked off on both this and Book 2 for the better part of May and June. I may have wrote a snippet here and there, but this one is just simmering.

Book 2 – Justicar Jhee and the Pit and the Pillars/Pylons

I took some notes here and there throughout May and June, but didn’t make much story progress. While I let the work sit, I devoted my time to reading and software training. Yes, those took up more time than I intended. To be honest, though, I needed for a bit of inspiration to strike before I could get much further with the story.

Inspiration struck. At the last minute before Camp NaNo started, I stumbled onto a real world location, which made me want to scream out, “IT’S MY THESIS!” (PCU reference.) It brought together the disparate location elements I’d hemmed and hawed over for months.

Book 3 – “The Missing MacGuffin”

Simmer, simmer down now. The same as with Book 1. I wrote a snippet or two, but not much more.

Have a lovely day!