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Count On Me

My work on the increasingly misnamed standalone continues. I remember when the intention for this trilogy was to be quick, generic, and clichéd as hell.

Book 1 – Justicar Jhee and the Cursed Abbey

No movement here. I might have tweaked a typo or two. Who’s to say?

Book 2 – Justicar Jhee and the Hole in the World

So far Camp NaNoWriMo July feels a lot more productive. The switch from a time goal to word count has forced me to progress forward with piecing scenes together rather than tinker. I’m still tinkering, but I have to chew through more story to make my daily goals.

I’m chewing through the story so fast, I might reach the end of the draft before the challenge ends. This may leave me short of the word count goal. A handful of scrawny plot threads haven’t gotten the love they needed because I haven’t felt motivated to bulk them up. I plan to use the deadline pressure at the end to light a fire under me.

A time goal works best when I’m doing a read through and scene listing. It also worked well when revising to remove crutch words or flesh out descriptions. Or any activity where you can measure progress by other means, but not so much for rewrites. I can see switching back to this for later drafts.


She took a sip. She screwed up her face. She’d not have been surprised if her eyes now resembled swirling fireworks after a swig of that. Then the buzz set in. Strong, but tasty. Better than anything Jhee and her classmates whipped up in her day.

Book 3 – “The Missing MacGuffin”

The plot bunnies on this book have started to get rowdy. I’d say it’s due to character elements and backstory fallout from Book 2.

Have a lovely day!