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Closer to the Heart

I just realized DragonCon is a month away. I haven’t worked on any of my cosplays. Yikes! I also lied about no more reading. Some requested books came into the library and I had to use it or lose it.

Book 1 – Justicar Jhee and the Cursed Abbey

Zip. Zilch. Nada.

Book 2 – Justicar Jhee and the Hole in the World

I expect the draft to be done tomorrow or the day after. My word count will fall short about 5-6K of my Camp NaNoWriMo goal. Temporarily, I thought I was ahead of the curve then it turns out I had just done duplicate work. Not a lot, but the morale flagged when I discovered it the next day. It led to a slow start, but then I zoomed along again. I have some notes on missing scenes and scene elements, so I should be able to pull it off.

I’m in the throes of a serious bout of world builders disease. I’ve spent way too much time searching for the answer to a minor detail most readers won’t notice. It has not affected my writing time, just slowed down other facets of the writing process. I’ve reached the point in the draft where I’m bumping into scenes and issues I glossed over or skipped the last time around. Because of that, I wrote a few notes to self more detailed than ‘move this’ or ‘consistency check’. My rigor on rewriting text has slipped. As I got further along, I switched into mostly cut-and-paste instead of retyping.

The next mega-scene reared its ugly head. Instead of the spinning roundhouse to its face I wanted to deliver, I gave it a stern talking to. Meanwhile, two other underdeveloped story sections showed me a glimmer of how they can be braided together. I’m psyched to have found a way to use them.

Book 3 – “The Missing MacGuffin”

Niente. Nothing.

Have a lovely day!