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Listen, Learn, Read On

May the Fourth be with you. Although a bit belatedly.

I made the decision 2-3 weeks ago to do the Goodreads reading challenge. My original goal was ten books, but earlier this week I upped it to twelve. Then twenty-four and finally forty-eight. More reading!

My brain is a bit fried, so I may focus on reading and software training for a bit. I want to work on my other marketable skills while I write. That way I can rest, but not not rust. I’m teaching myself the Adobe Creative Cloud apps. The plan is to make my own covers. However, the training will still be applicable when if ever I return to the land of Dayjobia.

Book 1 – Justicar Jhee and the Cursed Abbey

This is has been mostly set aside, because Book 2 needs my head space right now.

Book 2 – Justicar Jhee and the Cursed Mine

I’m letting this ruminate some more, while I spend most of my time on location research. The mine location opened up a can of worms I hadn’t expected, therefore I want to keep it. Because I couldn’t figure out how to keep it, I ditched another location idea. I’m still getting lots of grist for the Book 2 mill, though.

Since I’m free associating, I’ve got a wide variety of topics under consideration. Night clubs. Casinos. Mega resorts. Namely anything you might find in a touristy type city. I briefly flirted with a city secrets angle, but decided against it. Some hidden places may be visited in the vein of urban exploration. Abandoned mines and other spaces. I also like the idea of efforts to reclaim such places as Brownfield sites and old industrial areas.

Book 3 – “The Missing MacGuffin”

Also, nothing really to report here either.

Have a lovely day!