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One Scene Leads To Another

In addition to getting the disposal replaced, there were a few other plumbing issues which had languished such as the cracked toilet tank and leaking dishwasher. Since the plumber and landlord were here anyway, might as well get those taken care of too. It took awhile for my stress to subside enough to have a good go at the editing.

Book 1 – Justicar Jhee and the Cursed Abbey

As you may have gathered from last week, I added in more characters. I had some disjointed story elements, mega sequences, lying around which felt like the skeleton of something more. The new characters’ inclusion provided the connective tissue.

The mega scenes proved a beast to handle and got the better of me. But not nearly so much as the mega sequences. They are little snippets or scenes which aren’t properly set up and are heavily episodic in nature. The cause and effect chains are screwy because they hinge on decisions I delayed until the edit phase (i.e. now). Once I figure out what I need them to do and what scene dependencies they have, I hope to tame these beasts. I think I’ll try summarizing them to get to their meat.

Random excerpt:

“A cloister of celibates. No doubt they killed themselves from being denied one of the Makers greatest gifts.”

Book 2 – Justicar Jhee and the Gray Galleon

Something is brewing in my mind about this one. It feels like a major change is about to happen, but I don’t know what.


“All of our staff are raised in the state run schools for the betterment of their respective peoples. Our foundation and tax dollars well spent to do something for those unfortunate enough to have laid eyes on the forbidden empire.”

Book 3 – “The Missing MacGuffin”

Go to sleep. I’ll wake you when we get there.


Have a lovely day!