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Hazy Shade of Writing

Another light week for editing. An epic snowstorm swept through the area. It took some time to dig out. The car also needed to go to the garage. While I took some time off to re-think the story, I worked on administrative writing matters such as overhauling the website. On top of all that, I’m attending a convention at the end of the week. It snuck up on me, so I didn’t work on costuming for it. I’m looking forward to seeing Mikki Kendall after following her on Twitter. I’ll also be helping a friend celebrate their birthday. All-in-all a full week.

Book 1 – Justicar Jhee and the Cursed Abbey

My attempt to tame the mega sequences turned into a nearly ten thousand word outline for the reconstituted story. Each paragraph approximates to roughly a scene. My hope though that I could just expand those paragraphs into scenes and zip right along was not realized. The exiting words are getting in the way. Forget editing. Forget revision. This has gone into rewrite territory. And with all the distractions, it’s going slow.

Random excerpt:

Skipped for now. Until I’m further into the rewrite.

Book 2 – Justicar Jhee and the Gray Galleon

I had some ideas pop into my head while doing the outline for Book 1 which might work better here. It’s also helped clarify the story location a bit more. I also got a lot of world building inspiration I want to work in to flesh out some plot points. A few characters’ back stories got cleaned up too.

Instead of an excerpt, how about a random world detail:

Land meat aka red meat. Shore meat aka pork. Yard (or tree) meat aka poultry or white meat. Sea meat aka seafood.

Book 3 – “The Missing MacGuffin”

This is still on the way back burner.


Have a lovely day!