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Road To Nowhere

Rough week and not much to report on the the fantasy mystery series. I’ve spent most of my time on career development work and on miscellaneous craft deficiencies. I’m experiencing some pain in one of my hands, but dictation is not working out as well as I’d hoped. Editing with it is particularly frustrating.

Book 1 – Justicar Jhee and the Cursed Abbey

I’m working on a massive overhaul and it’s not going well. It’s mostly a mental block. I have to be careful looking for solutions or else I fall into an Internet rabbit hole and spend hours not working.
Because my inkjet ran out of toner, I did not print out a copy. I had hoped I could get through the edit without a hard copy, but I need that sense of perspective it offers and the ability to walk around with pen in hand. Also, my laptop’s screen real estate makes Scrivener’s split screening feel cramped. Luckily, I just received a new laser printer for Christmas. I may set it up this weekend. I do worry it will turn into another way to procrastinate and become a time sink.

Random excerpt:

A silver tray contained sea forest may eggs and algae toast points, a very expensive delicacy. His stomach growled. He scooped up some eggs with the toast wedge then stopped himself.

Book 2 – Justicar Jhee and the Gray Galleon



Gee did her best to pay attention as he introduced her to another dignitary or minor official. Her eyes glazed over and wanted to roll back in her head. This one the minor lord of that region. This one in charge of draining rights for the city. This one handling building permits. This one was the fourth cousin once removed from the emperor or empress and fiftieth in line for appointment to the Imperial Palace.

Book 3 – “The Missing MacGuffin”

I’m letting this one cool its heels for the moment.

Have a lovely day!