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Oh Black Water

Happy Holidays! Work on the edits to the fantasy mysteries derailed this week. Christmas day came with the discovery of a water leak and the mold that comes with it. Lovely. The cleanup and repair of which had me ready to go on a rant about having my good pots and utensils used to catch nasty water and scrape mold without asking. I understand my mother so much better now. On a more upbeat note, my beef roast and garlic rolls turned out awesome despite my delay in being able to enjoy them.

Book 1 – Justicar Jhee and the Cursed Abbey

The prep work and execution of this story dish can be longer and more involved than expected. Expect stops and starts when you realize you do not have all the necessary story ingredients on hand. To enhance the mystery flavor of this fantasy, add an additional two suspects to the ingredient list. Their inclusion will also add a little spice to an underdeveloped story element you liked, but was unsure if it would work in this dish. Mix suspects together in a separate container, heat to a boil, then slowly add in the remaining ingredients.

Random excerpt:

“I’ve been poisoned. Get help.”

Book 2 – Justicar Jhee and the Gray Galleon

Set the story temperature on low and allow it took cook slowly over the course of a few months while you prep the other dishes.



“I realize this is awkward investigator. But I would ask that I be afforded at least professional courtesy.”

Book 3 – “The Missing MacGuffin”

After the initial writing phase, allow story ingredients to marinate. Add seasonings and spices as necessary to complement the previous story courses.

Have a lovely day!