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Halfway there on Fantasy Mystery Book 3

Most of the recent developments in the fantasy mystery series are happening in the third book of the set.

Book 1 – Justicar Jhee and the Cursed Abbey

Book 3 sucked up all my focus. Here is a random paragraph from it, though:
She rolled up the map and quickly hid the glow torch in her robe. She ducked behind a column. Once her eyes adjusted, she noticed a shadowy shape stealing down the hallway. She waited a moment for it to pass then doubled back along her route a few columns. She peered out again.


Book 2 – Justicar Jhee and the Gray Galleon

Different verse, same as the first. Random ‘graph, different path:
They took a small table in the solar overlooking a small cove. She was distracted and unable to eat her sea quail eggs and whale milk with a light bit of watercress and cured may sausage. The investigator however had a big healthy appetite.


Book 3 – “The Missing MacGuffin”

1st draft of Book 3

38,106 / 72,000 words. 53% done!
While I am past the midpoint of my target word count, figuring out where I am in the story is trickier. Several of the subplots are proceeding faster than I expected. The main mystery plot is going slower though. The story went down a rabbit hole I’m not sure I want to follow too far. I made a deliberate choice to keep the main crime simpler to account for a larger scope outside of the crime. I think the mystery needs a few more milestones to interweave with the other plot lines so that it doesn’t get left out or shortchanged.

A bit of throwaway description gave me an idea for another book in the series. We will see what becomes of it.

Have a lovely day!