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I’m Getting Closer To My Home

I’d estimate it has taken 6-7 more years to get from the start of my writing journey to being anywhere remotely near publishing than it took Odysseus to return home.
Book 1 – Made some breakthroughs. Still not done yet. At this rate, I might have to edit while doing NaNoWriMo. *shudder*
Book 2 – Nothing new to report for the story itself.
Book 3 – Whoa, NaNo is right around the corner. With the gift of a decent headset and a copy of Dragon 15 on the way, I’m going to make a serious go at using dictation this time around. I’ve tried before and gave up in frustration. Between corrections and general flakiness, it was slower than my normal 30-40wpm typing speed. Hopefully with the better setup, I can get it up to snuff in time for some serious writing.
Now is approximately the time I had scheduled to work on book covers for the series. I nailed down some solid branding elements for the series as a whole and for Book 1&2. I’m going to mock up a few covers, which I may post asking for suggestions.

Have a lovely day!