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Another Week Bites the Dust

Book 1

Still not quite done with this round of edits. However, I did buckle down more and stop the nonsense. The goal line seems to be in sight though. Most of the pieces are approximately where they belong. I figured out how to connect some sticky plot points. I even found a serious use for some “joke” scenes I’d written.

Book 2

Everything I learned editing Book 1 both in terms of workflow and story I hope will pay dividends on the next round of edits. I might be able to start those edits this week.

Book 3

The plot is coming together a bit more. A few tweaks here and there have allowed me to differentiate this more from Book 1 in my mind. I made a few changes in Book 1 too to help this along.

I may have found a solution to one of my biggest challenges when writing or editing: managing disjointed or scene-y bits. OMG, I learned about Scrivener’s Scratch Pad feature! Whether I put snippets in a separate file or in my current spot in the manuscript, digging them out again at the proper time and putting them in the right place is always a pain. Especially if left too long. Recall my frustrations from last post. The Scratch Pad lets you write and name global notes. They do not have to be tied to a document or project. It works outside of Scrivener too as long as I have it open. Best of all: it’s already built-in.

All those fragments of dialogue, descriptions, or ideas popping into my head for sections of the story other than where I’m currently am? If I chose not to pay attention to where they all go, I at least now have them all in one centralized, alphabetical list accessible via a key combo. I can give them a descriptive name. Later, I bring up the list and use “Send file to Scrivener” to either create a new document or append it to an existing document for me.