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Welcome to Swiftnesse!

Welcome to the Swiftnesse. We got fun and games. I am Miss Swift and welcome to my author site. While most of what you can find here will be about my writing, I may post about other topics I find interesting.


I am currently working on a murder mystery trilogy set in an Urban Fantasy setting on another world. The first two books are in the editing phases and the last is in the outline stages.

Convention Attendance & Cosplay

In addition to being a fan of many things sci-fi, fantasy, and horror, I love costuming. While I no longer go to as many conventions or costume events as I once did, I still attend a few. Right now, I’m a regular attendee to Arisia in the winter and Dragon Con in the summer. After a long absence, I have started attending Boskone again. I also sporadically attend a number of anime conventions up and down the East Coast. I’ve also attended gaming and industry conventions such as Pax and GDC.

Favorite TV shows and Other media

I primarily live tweet along with some of my favorite shows. Occasionally what I need to say won’t fit in a tweet.

Until next time Miss Swift says ‘Have a lovely day!’